Pullman Class (Year 3)
Hello and welcome to Pullman class. Helping the children with their learning this year is Miss Spring and Mrs Parker (class teachers).
Our Year 3 Team
Our Class Timetable for Pullman Class
Year 3 Autumn Curriculum Newsletter
Year 3 Spring Curriculum Overview
Please note we have PE on a Thursday, so please remember to send your child into school dressed in their full PE kit on this day. Please ensure your child has their coloured PE top, PE hoodie, PE bottoms, hair tied up and jewellery removed on this day so that they are ready and safe to take part.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Children should bring in their books and reading diaries every day and are encouraged to read at home at least three times a week. 'Daily reading at home of just 20 minutes a day has a dramatic impact in all areas of learning.'
The reading book your child brings home will be in line with your child's reading ability. The children are assessed regularly and their book levels are set accordingly. RWinc books are changed twice weekly to fit the program they are following. Accelerated Reader books are changed when the child has finished their book and taken a quiz.
Each child has a reading reward chart which is kept in class. If they are reading at least three times a week this term they will be able to achieve a star on their Bronze Award chart. When they complete this reading chart they will move onto a Silver Reward chart where they are expected to read four times a week. Once this chart is complete, they will then move on to the Gold Award reading chart and they will be expected to read every day. Each time they complete the Bronze, Silver or Gold Award they will receive a certificate. All children who reach and achieve a Gold Award will receive a special treat at the end of the year
Please try and complete their reading diaries by signing it to acknowledge they have read at home. We can check these in school and then record how often they are reading, but also to ensure books are being quizzed and changed.
For children in Year 3, homework will consist of three areas:
- Spellings
- Times tables
- Reading
They will be given spellings to practice for a spelling test on the following Friday. These spellings are being explicitly taught in class and are linked to the National Curriculum. In addition, the children will bring home a Times Table Travel sheet with a range of times tables to solve. This sheet is linked to the times tables they will be practicing in class. For further practice children can access Times Table Rockstars (TTRS) and build their confidence and fluency. The third area for homework will be reading. Please ensure the children are reading at least three times a week and remember to sign their reading diaries.
Home work will be sent out on Friday, with the expectation that it is brought back in by Wednesday so we can check how they are getting on.
Thank you for your help, support and cooperation.