Local Governing Body
Governance at Shakespeare- Local Governing Body
Welcome to the Local Governors’ page for Shakespeare Primary School. We would like to take this opportunity to tell you a little bit about ourselves, our roles and our aims.
Our Local Governing Body comprises of several governors (when all positions are filled), all of whom bring different skills to governance. We have Staff, Parent and Co-Opted/Community governors who all represent our school.
Local governors are volunteers who give their time and commitment to meet to discuss standards and support and challenge the school leadership. The Local Governing Body also contributes to Ofsted inspections.
Are you interested in becoming a governor at Shakespeare Primary School?
We have vacancies for parent and co-opted/community governors at Shakespeare. If you would like further information, please email the school office (admin@spsplymouth.org) or our Clerk to Governors, Michael Coomber (michael.coomber@mountstreetpri.co.uk).
Our aim:
To be an effective board in challenging and supporting the school so that weaknesses are tackled decisively and our statutory responsibilities are met.
We will endeavour to do this by:
- Holding six meetings per year.
- Appointing a clerk to record our work.
- Electing a Chair and Vice Chair.
- Advising all parents of any parent vacancies, all staff of staff vacancies and looking to appoint members of the community as co-opted governors.
- Annually adopt the SEF.
- Noting term dates for the academic year and agree the occasional non pupil days.
- Receiving Head Teacher reports three times per year.
- Reviewing and monitoring examination/national test results.
- Reviewing the level of exclusions.
- Monitoring attendance of pupils and staff.
- Agreeing Curriculum Plans.
- Setting pupil performance targets.
- Inducting new governors to the local governing body.
- Visiting school to see how strategies are being delivered in school.
- Reviewing, adopting and monitoring the procedures for dealing with complaints from parents/carers.
- Reviewing, approving and monitoring the School Improvement Plan.
- Annually elect local governors for the following responsibilities:-
English, Mathematics, SEN (Special Educational Needs), Looked After
Children, Child Protection, Healthy & Safety and Early Years.
- Maintaining and updating annually a file of pecuniary interest declarations.
- Organising support and training for governors.
As you can see there is a great deal expected of all local governing bodies, which is why it is important that responsibilities are shared.
For more information about becoming a school governor, please contact the Chair of the Board via the school office to see if there are any vacancies.
Who is on our Local Governing Body?
Mr Tim Smith (Co-opted), Chair of Governors
Mrs Linda Ludlow (Co-opted), Vice Chair of Governors
Mr Cameron Lancaster (Executive Headteacher)
Miss Courtney Lobban (Head of School)
Mrs Meryl Orkney (Staff)
Father David Bailey (Co-opted)
James LLoyd (Co-opted)
Lisa Johnson (Co-opted)
Clerk to the Governors: Mr Michael Coomber
2 x Parents
If you wish to make contact with the board you can email them at the following email addresses:
Learning Academies Trust- Trust Board
Shakespeare Primary School is part of the Learning Academies Trust whose detailed governance arrangements are set out on the Trust website.
The structure of governance in the Learning Academies Trust is outlined in the diagram below. Each school has its own Local Governing Body responsible for individual school related matters as set out in the LAT Scheme of Delegation.
Please click on the link below to access the Learning Academies Trust website for further details regarding our Multi Academy Trust.