British Values
Promoting British Values
We aim to ensure that all of our children develop into Kind, Respectful, Caring, Helpful and Driven members of our School family so that they can grow into democratic, responsible and tolerant adults who make a positive contribution to British Society and to the World.
Our British Values and Protected Characteristics Graphic Organiser (making links with our school rules)
We aim to develop an understanding of the importance of democracy through:
- Involving children in democratic processes such as the School Parliament, School Council and Eco Council whose members are voted for by the children.
- Ensuring that children have a voice within school e.g. pupil surveys, taking part in interviewing prospective members of staff, contributing to theme weeks.
- Ensuring that children are listened to in school e.g. open door policy of the Head Teacher, Book recommendations etc.
- Holding debates linked to developing a sense of balanced arguments, listening to both sides of the argument.
- For more information about our School Parliament please click here.
Mutual Respect
We aim to encourage our children to show mutual respect through:
- Prioritising the development of our children’s social and emotional awareness at the heart of our curriculum (Our Mission and Values).
- Placing a high emphasis upon instilling good manners within our children.
- Holding assemblies which promote the importance of self-respect, honest and open communication with others and fair play.
- Our positive learning behaviour policy, which promotes the importance of showing respect towards others.
- Teaching children to work collaboratively and values each other’s opinions.
Individual Liberty
We aim to encourage all of our children to be responsible citizens through:
- Actively encouraging our children to make positive choices knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment.
- Empowering children with key roles and responsibilities within school e.g. Meal Time Helpers, Nurture leads, children leading their own lunchtime clubs for others.
- Teaching our children how they can contribute to the well-being of those in the locality and beyond, through many events such as supporting charities and community events.
- Encouraging all of our children to take responsibility for their behaviour, as well as knowing their rights. We work hard to ensure that all of our children know and feel that they are dealt with fairly and equitably.
Rule of Law
We aim to promote an understanding of the rule of law through:
- Ensuring our school rules are clear and are understood by the children. They are discussed regularly during assemblies and they are consistently used by all staff.
- Delivering a clear a structured and Positive Learning Behaviour Policy.
- Teaching our children, through reflections, to correct their errors or mistakes.
- Helping our children to distinguish from right and wrong.
- Teaching our children the value and reason behind rules and laws and the consequences if they are broken which is reinforced during assemblies and reflections club.
- Organising visits to the school from authorities such as the Fire Service and Police help reinforce these key messages.
Tolerance of different Faiths & Beliefs
We aim to develop tolerance in our children through:
- Reminding children of their place in a culturally diverse society and this is reinforced through our R.E. curriculum, which explores different faiths.
- R.E lessons teach the children about other faiths as well as their own.
- Providing a rich curriculum, which enables our children to learn about other cultures e.g. Chinese New Year.
- Planned assemblies and class based learning which promotes the diversity of society and the right for each person to be respected and valued equally.
- Where possible inviting members of different faith groups into school to share their knowledge and to enhance our children’s learning and understanding of the beliefs of others.
Picture News Advocate Award!
We are delighted to have been awarded 'Advocate Status' for our work with Picture News. Well done to everyone!
At Shakespeare Primary School our pupils understand that while different people may hold different views about what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, all people living in England are subject to its law. Children are encouraged to have a voice and where there is opportunity too the children are encouraged to have an opinion on different matters most particularly those affecting them and our community. We have a parliament which gather weekly to ensure student voice is heard and we often hold elections in line with those across the country to ensure children have an understanding of the democratic system.
Through daily Picture News assemblies, children are able to develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence; they are encouraged to distinguish right from wrong and to respect the school rules which also follow civil and criminal law of England. We continuously promote and encourage students to accept responsibility for their behaviour, show initiative, and to understand how they can contribute positively to the lives of those living and working in the locality of the school and to society more widely.
Although Modern British Values underpins our daily assemblies it is also taught broadly through our whole curriculum and most specifically covered in PSHE and RE to ensure the students have a good general knowledge of the 5 British Values that ultimately underpin our school values as well as our local communities and those across the UK.
Teaching British Values through Picture News.
It is important that all of our children understand the world that they live in today; not just local but global events. Picture news shares interesting, up-to-date stories, images and information at an age-appropriate manner. Every weekly edition links to a specific British Value so that children can link their learning to a range of contexts. The document below provides more information about how British Values is taught through Picture News.