Online Safety in School
Online Safety is a very important element of Safeguarding. It is largely in two areas, firstly by ensuring children and adults are safe using devices accessing the internet and secondly within our computing curriculum to teach online safety skills to our children.
All staff have received training and our school uses the 360 Online Review Tool to monitor progress in this area to set targets and continually review and update our practice. Our school holds the Online Safety Award Mark which recognises that our practice is clear and robust.
Children are taught Online Safety in the first term of each academic year and a reminder is given within every learning session that includes the use of the internet throughout the year. In February, children celebrate Internet Safety Day and complete specific activities linked to the years theme. Each year, classes update their Online Safety Charter that is always on display in their classrooms. Our Class Charters show developing skills as they move higher up the school and there is evidence that the children are becoming more independent in managing and making sensible choices to keep themselves safe.
Our school website front page has our Online Safety Reporting ‘Whisper button’ so that anyone in the school community (pupils, parents, staff, governors) can anonymously use this tool to express concerns about an online safety issue or ask questions relating to Online Safety.
Full details can be found in our Online Safety Policy which can be found on the Policies page by clicking here.