Our Safeguarding Culture
Our Safeguarding Culture
The welfare and well-being of our pupils is paramount to everything that we do. We work on a basis of three key areas in order to ensure that our culture is embedded within our practice in our school. These are....
Identify - How we identify risks to children.
Help - The timely help we offer our children and families to keep children safe.
Manage - How staff, including governors and Trust leaders, manage their responsibilities for keeping children safe.
Further and more specific details of our safeguarding culture can be found within our school's Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy. Click the link below to access this.
We pride ourselves on a robust and exemplary safeguarding culture that is led by an experienced team of leaders.
The Safeguarding Team is led by...
Mrs Tania Chapman (Designated Safeguarding Lead)
Miss Courtney Lobban (Designated Safeguarding Lead)
Mr Cameron Lancaster (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead)
They can help support you and your family with any safeguarding questions or concerns that you may have.
In addition to our Safeguarding Team, we also have our Early Help Pastoral Team who provide early support to children and families. These members of staff are...
Mrs Jodie Moon (Children and Families Support Worker)
Mrs Ali Shute (UKS2 Pastoral Lead)
Miss Leanne Rice (LKS1 Pastoral Lead)
Mrs Nina Foster (KS1 Pastoral Lead)
At Shakespeare, we have children who are in the legal care of the local authority. The member of staff in school responsible for their care and provision within our setting is...
Mrs Rebecca Radford (Designated Teacher)
Operation Encompass
Shakespeare Primary School are proud to be part of Operation Encompass, as are all of our LAT schools.
If police are called to an incident of domestic abuse and any children in the household have experienced the incident, the police will inform the key adult in school (usually the designated safeguarding lead) before the child or children arrive at school the following day.
Click here to read more: Operation Encompass - Shakespeare Primary School
Connect 2
If you have concerns regarding a child, there is a local organisation previously called Plymouth Early Help Team, (EHAST). This is now called Connect 2.
You can book an appointment to talk about support that you may require with a member of their team.
Within the Honicknowle area, the Team practice manager is John Dury & our designated school support worker, is Sue Venner.
Use this link to book an appointment:
Plymouth Early Help and SEND Advice line | PLYMOUTH.GOV.UK
If your concern is more urgent, you can contact MASH (Multi Agency Support Hub) to report your concerns. This is also known as the Gateway.
The number is: 01752 668000 Out of hours 01752 346984
For more information:
Do you have concerns about a child?
If you are worried or concerned about a child, you can report this through using the details above. You can also share this concern with a member of the school's Safeguarding Team. Equally, you can share your concerns via the NSPCC website. If you have concerns about a child's safety and well-being, including a child in your family, you can use this form to tell the NSPCC helpline. One of our advisors will read it within 24 hours and decide what action needs to be taken.
Please click here if you would like to report a concern regarding a child.
Helpful contacts
The Childline number for children is: 0800 1111
The Parent line is: 0808 800 5000
For any safeguarding concerns that require a prompt response for a child not in Plymouth, please contact:
MASH on 0345 155 1071 (young people resident in Devon)
MARU on 0300 123 1116 (young people resident in Cornwall)
All urgent safeguarding concerns should be reported to the Police on 999.
Plymouth CAMHS have a mental health crisis line for parents/carers and young people on 01752 435122.
Before and after school:
Parents/carers are responsible for children in playground before the bell rings unless the child attended breakfast club and then the breakfast club staff are there for them.
Please do not allow your children to ride bikes or scooters on the school site at any time.
Please do not bring dogs onto the school premises.