Mobile Phones in School
Mobile Phones
As a school, we recognise the importance that technology plays in the lives of adults as well as children. In order to ensure that all of our learners are safe in school, we have a no use policy with regards to mobile phones being used in non-designated areas in our school.
Children with Mobile Phones
Year on year, we are seeing an increasing number of children bringing mobile phones to school. In order to ensure that children stay safe every child, who brings a mobile phone to school, hands their mobile phone in to our school office every morning. These are then collected by the children from the school office at the end of each day.
Visitors with Mobile Phones
All visitors to our school site are briefed on arrival of the expectations of mobile phones on our school grounds. Mobile phones are to be silenced or switched off and can only be used in designated areas in our school.
Staff with Mobile Phones
Staff, naturally, are likely to be users of a mobile phone. Annually, staff sign the Code of Conduct that outlines the expectations to staff of how they can use mobile phones on site. Teaching and Support Staff Mobile Phones are stored in locked cupboards in the classroom or in personal staff lockers in our staff room. Schools leaders and safeguarding leads will have their mobile phones on them at all times. These are kept about their person or within the designated offices.
Designated areas
We have a number of designated areas where mobile phones can be used safely in school. These areas are...
Staff Room
Leadership Office
Safeguarding Office
Front of school- outside the main building