Our focus at Shakespeare Primary School is to provide all pupils with knowledge and understanding of how to stay safe whilst online and to provide a creative and imaginative Computing Curriculum, which will enable pupils to transfer their skills into the wider environment in which they live, preparing them for their next steps in education.
Subject knowledge
Teachers and support staff have an established communication route that provides them with support across the curriculum. Monitoring of computing skills and competence levels are completed and training identified and actioned in a variety of ways. All staff are supported by the coordinator. Staff fully research the area of study to be covered and know the previous learning, as well as the next steps in learning in order to provide key learning opportunities for all pupils across all three areas of the curriculum areas; information technology, computer science and digital literacy. Key Concept and Approach Vocabulary linked to the current programme of study is displayed, discussed and shared within each learning session.
Delivering curriculum content
All year groups teach regular computing sessions and fulfil the subject objectives for each term. Within each learning session clear modelling by the class teacher takes place with time for questioning and discussion to develop understanding and link learning. Pupils are allocated time to engage in independent practise. The children also engage in mini plenaries to address misconceptions, stretch more able pupils and make informed assessment.
All learning sessions will have an objective that addresses and links to the National Curriculum. From this teachers will assess understanding and make informed judgements of understanding and progress, to inform future learning sessions. Teachers will use strategies to assess for understanding.
Peer and self assessment will take place to give children immediate feedback.
Developing understanding
Key concepts and approaches previously introduced are recapped at the beginning of every session and are built upon as the unit continues. Any sessions that use the internet are preceded with a starter that includes an online scenario to discuss making the right choices and to develop resilience. At the end of each learning session time is built in for pupils to explain their learning activity to demonstrate their understanding and use of subject specific vocabulary. Target questions are asked to ensure progress and provide challenge.
Curriculum design
Teachers plan well-sequenced, paced lessons that build conceptual understanding. Pupils are taught to create, save and retrieve their learning from Key Stage 1. Learning is progressive and links are made to previously taught units to ensure depth of understanding and children recognise the relationship between learning blocks.
Devices are maintained by the LAT Technical Team. All staff ensure equipment is kept in good general repair by taking care and following guidance. Staff regularly check all mobile equipment for damage and ensure equipment is kept clean and safe. Any breakages and faults are to be reported immediately to ensure repairs are swift so that learning is not compromised for others.
All pupils are presented and taught the year group objectives. Less able pupils are provided with support and opportunities to fill gaps in learning whilst more able pupils are moved forward to develop greater depth understanding by being provided with extension tasks to stretch and developing their thinking skills.
We will know this strategy is being effective, when pupils can recall their knowledge, explaining the skills they have learnt using subject specific vocabulary and give examples of work they have completed. Pupils will be able to understand and can raise questions about their learning, linking the learning in the classroom to the wider environment around them. Pupils will present their learning either orally, in text form or electronically.
This strategy will be effective when all pupils are making at least the expected level of progress. They will be able to demonstrate their online safety skills and show a developing and building resilience when dealing with online safety questions.