Early Reading Experts
Training and professional development
We ensure that all staff have the expertise needed to support all children with their reading development.
In February 2022, we introduced Read Write Inc which has ensured that all staff follow the RWI guidance closely in order to have fidelity to the program. To maintain fidelity to the scheme, as a school we invest in the following training for staff...
- Weekly coaching session for all RWInc staff
- Daily monitoring and coaching from Phonics Lead
- Trust wide RWInc Development Days
- Trust wide networking meetings
- 3 x RWInc led Development Days
- RWInc Portal Access
- Oxford Owl Portal Access
- RWInc training for new employees
- Ilsham Hub (English Hub) Development Days
- Trust Early Read support
- Apprentice shadowing process
As a school, we invest heavily in our staff development to ensure that our children receive high quality phonics from the start.
Our in school coaching model ensures that the Reading Lead is able to monitor and support staff during the daily phonics sessions, ensuring that all lessons are of a high quality and all children can make good progress.