Our School Parliament
School Parliament 2024-2025
At Shakespeare, our pupils elect Year 6 pupils to be our members of Parliament. These pupils carry out important roles within our school and take on additional responsibilities to contribute as active citizens within our school.
Our member of Parliament for 2024-2025 are listed below. Please check their bio beneath this.
Prime Minister | Lilly Barnes |
Safeguarding Minister | Anashe Manjengwa |
Reading Minister | Kiera Milne |
Mathematics Minister | Oliver Kurdurs |
Writing Minister | Casey Brain |
Sports Minister | Shannon Soper |
Environment Minister | Henry Hookins |
Media Minister | Weller Way |
Health and Well-being Minister | Paisley Duffy |
Attendance Minister | Billie Honour |
Arts Minister | Thanvi Ajesh |
Community Minister | Riley Duffy |
Campaigns for Prime Minister 2024-2025 have ended!!
Last year our Year 5 pupils (now Year 6) had the opportunity to apply to become a member of cabinet in 2024-2025 and become one of our parliament members. Once the 12 cabinet members were chosen the successful members were then able to put themselves forward to be voted by the school and families for the role of Prime Minister.
The children who wished to run in the election went away and wrote their own speech as to why they should be the Prime Minister at Shakespeare Primary School. The election videos can be found below!
The candidates for Prime Minister have also delivered their own presentation to the school during assemblies to encourage the school to vote for them.
This provided the children with first hand knowledge of the election process that took place across the UK. Our very own poling stations opened to pupils on the 4th July in line with the National Poling Day.
A unique part of our school life are our School Parliament.
They carry out a range of roles in school and meet regularly with our Parliament leader, Mrs Knapper.
Parliament trip to London 2024
This year we were delighted to be able to take our School Parliament to London to visit the Houses of Parliament!
We made the most of our time there to maximise the learning experience for the children. We visited the Natural History Museum, watched Lion King in the theatre, explored the sights and visited Buckingham Palace and we even got to see the guards returning to base. All of this on top of our Houses of Parliament tour and story experience. We learned a lot in just 2 days!