In an ever-diverse world, languages and international education encourage cultural understanding and mutually empowering relationships. Each LAT school chooses the language it wishes its children to learn. In our school we teach French using the ilanguages Scheme of Work.
Our focus at Shakespeare Primary School is to develop the communication skills for all of our pupils so that we can encourage intercultural understanding and mutually empowering relationships within the community. Our languages and international curriculum aims to enable children to realise a greater understanding of the world around them and their place within it. Primarily we teach French as a core language at Shakespeare.
Subject knowledge
Teachers are required to fully research the area of study covered by the the series of lessons being taught, which should include oral rehearsal and reading around the topic sufficiently to provide additional levels of challenge for pupils where required. The ilanguages Scheme shows teachers what pupils have learnt before as well as what they are working towards. Teachers are encouraged to request CPD support from the curriculum leader where appropriate.
Delivering Curriculum Content
Teachers provide a step-by-step approach to building procedural and conceptual knowledge within their lesson. They use a variety of strategies including first-hand experience, practical tasks, songs, rhymes, games, videos and audio clips of native language speakers, dictionaries, dual language texts and reference books to develop pupils' understanding. Teaching, following our schools I do, we do, you do approach, presents a practise and reflection model to ensure conversation skills are concrete and pronunciation is accurate.
Teachers provide an open-ended task which involves the learner to present their learning in oral, video or written form. Teachers use their assessments to identify gaps and misconceptions to inform future learning needs.
Developing Understanding
Teachers plan activities, based on the ilanguages Scheme, that provoke thought and require application of prior learning to deepen understanding. Links are made where appropriate with English grammar. Key vocabulary and new phrases are further embedded through short repetitive bursts following each lesson. Teachers primarily use oracy strategies, such as talk trios, group roles, etc. to develop pupils' understanding and conversation skills.
Curriculum Design
Teachers follow the ilanguages Scheme of Work. They follow carefully planned, well-sequenced lessons that progressively build conversational language skills and inter-cultural understanding over time. They provide regular opportunities for pupils to revisit prior knowledge so that they can practise and retain learning over time.
Teachers access resources from ilanguages which ensures that they are relevant and engaging with a good level of challenge so that deepening of learning can happen and learning is not capped for high-attaining pupils. Scaffolds are used to support all learners to access the curriculum.
All pupils have the right to learning which provides challenge and opportunities for application. Teachers use scaffolds as well as targeted questioning to ensure pupils' understanding is secure.
We know our implementation is effective because pupils can recall their knowledge to hold simple conversations in French with minimal support.
Pupils display an increased tolerance and understanding of those around us and pupils cultural capital is increased.
Summative assessments take place at the end of each term. These show that pupils make good progress from their start points.
Teachers assess continuously during lessons through observing, listening and asking key questions. Children are successful in their learning because teachers use their assessments to support and challenge.
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