We Are Shakespeare School! - Edition One
Good Afternoon!
We have reopened today for the children of keyworkers and those who are vulnerable as set out by the government guidelines.
Staff attended a meeting and workloads have been shared out to ensure the children, who are at home, continue to feel part of our school family whilst away from the setting. As a result, the following things will be put into place:
We will still announce our weekly school values awards.
Parents and carers can nominate their child by sending their name, year group and reason for nomination (including any pictures) to socialmedia@spsplymouth.org by 4pm each Thursday. Nominations and winners will be announced via a video every Friday and we will arrange for an E-Certificate to be sent to your child. This week's theme is Helping Hands.
Online Learning Section.
We have added to and will continue to improved our online learning section found here: https://www.shakespeare.plymouth.sch.uk/online-learning/
You will now see subject folders at the bottom of the page where we will add links and documents for you to use at home. Today, we added links to the P.E, Art, Music and PSHE sections.
We will start to send out daily Learning By Question (LBQ) codes for our Key Stage 2 children after the "Easter Break".
Themed Weeks
The staff team will organise themed weeks and materials for you to use at home (such as worksheets) will be added to the school website every Friday in the online learning section.
Weekly News Updates
We will issue a weekly news update from around the school but also ask you to continue to contribute through the email address: socialmedia@spsplymouth.org - A video will be collated in the hope children can watch and see if they can spot themselves and their friends.
We are aware that there have been some issues with logging on to Times Tables Rock Star and Numbots. We have checked on both the website version and the app version for Times Table Rock Stars and there does not appear to be an issue. Numbots is being looked into by Mrs Bestwetherick as this was a new package taken at point of school closure. If you are having continued issues with the log in to Times Table Rock Stars, please let your teacher know through their email addresses found on the year group page and they will investigate.
Finally, thank you for your overwhelming support and kind words. This has meant the world to our staff members who truly care for the children of Shakespeare School. We will be doing all we can to ensure we stay connected.
Keep checking on our socials, keep smiling, keep having fun and keep safe.